About stack-calculator
Stack-Calculator is developed by Frans Schrijver. Please let me know if like the application or if you have any suggestions for improvements.
✉️ fsch0203@gmail.com
This is free software, but you're always welcome to pay a small contribution if you like it.
Favorite links
- Many thanks to Guido Socher for rpnjcalc
- Many thanks to MikeMcl for decimal.js
- Learning RPN
- Museum of HP Calculators
- Wikipedia Reverse Polish Notation
- Wikipedia Shunting-yard algorithm
Change history
Version 1.240
- Bug fix: accept entry with negative exponent correctly
Version 1.230
- Extension ported to MS-Edge
- Last position of window is saved
- ECB now only provider of daily exchange rates (yahoo removed)
- Minor bugs fixed
Version 1.220
- No thousandseparator in case of hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers
- Bug fix: corrected displayed expression in case of inverse function (1/x)
- Extension now standard opens in seperate window; letter [b] no longer used
Version 1.210
- Notation integer added
- Bug fix: trig functions now work again with degrees
- Bug fix: entry if digit f in hexadecimal now working
- Minor bugs fixed
Version 1.200
- Support for complex numbers
- Support for multiple languages (now English and Dutch)
- Exchange menu feeded with conversion results
- New menu for notations
- Last_x added
Version 1.110
- Added ctrl-c and ctrl-v for copy and paste clipboard
- Bug fix: clear stack now really cleared
Version 1.100
- Bug fix: activated escape key
Version 1.000
- First release for PortableApps
- Added notation for fractions
- Data entry of fractions, e.g. 3\16 (internally calculated as 0.1875)
- Bug fix: correct hex numbers entry
- Bug fix: correct h:m:s numbers entry
Version 0.810
- Fixed minor bugs
- Desktop version (based on NodeWebkit) added
- Version 5.01 of decimal.js included
- Option to display, enter and calculate hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers
Version 0.800
- Integration of decimal.js that provides arbitrary-precision decimal representation (thanks to MikeMcl)
- Stopped using cookies, now uses local storage (as web-application) and chrome storage (as chrome extension and app)
Version 0.724
- Restricted permissions to access only ECB data (currency rates)
Version 0.723
- Added compatibility to work as Chrome extension, as packaged app and in webbrowser
- Minor bugs
Version 0.710
- Exchange rates added
- Prefixes added to engineering notation
- Uppercase input converted to lowercase
- Improved conversion menu
- Improved financial entry menu
- Remember x-value when switching to stack-mode
- Hide Options menu after selecting option
Version 0.700
- Option added to work with hours:minutes:seconds (or degrees:minutes:seconds)
- Changed initial precision to 16 to prevent rounding errors
- Prevent display of e+0 and e-0 in scientific notation
Version 0.603
- link to homepage in footer added
- script for google analytics added
Version 0.60
- Integration of stack-calculator and rpn-calculator
- Improvement of data entry for financial calculations
Version 0.50
- Major revision of layout to make user interface more simple
- History sheet skipped in favor of calculated formulas + lastanswers memory
- Formula of executed calculation in every stack memory
- Lastanswer memory increased to 30 places
- Improved user interface for financial calculations
- Only one memory block (30 places)
- Covariance and correlation functions skipped
Version 0.44
- Last Answers as default memory
- Option added to paste clipboard content in x-register
- Corrected rounding in memories and history sheet
- Entry of negative exponent in scientific notation with minus-key
- Added thousands separator as option under [o] notation
Version 0.43
- Activated Backspace key
- Added some physical constants
Version 0.42
- Option added to open calculator in separate window (press [b])
- Annuity calculations not always correct if historic information was used
Version 0.40
- Financial calculations more logical and user friendly (submenus for CAGR, Annuity and Cashflow calculations)
- Extra Memory-block with Last Answers (press [z] twice)
- Scroll direction of History-box corrected
- Some minor bugs
Version 0.30
- First release as Chrome extension